No, I will not knit you a Loki scarf


Yes, the scarf is finished! I love it, it turned out wonderfully, and I am planning to do a full Finished Object post in a couple of weeks (ideally with a photo of the scarf in action at Dragon*Con). Here’s a quick sneak peek—I don’t want to share it all before it arrives at its forever home.


I’ve already been asked by one person on Facebook if I would knit him a scarf, as he too wants to cosplay Loki. The answer, barring a few exceptions*, is “no.” (This post is mostly for non-knitters who might stumble across my blog via search engines or what have you; I’m pretty sure my knitterly audience knows exactly what I’m saying.)

I’m generally not a mean person, I want everyone to be able to cosplay whatever they want and would love to see what other Loki cosplayers come up with, but the facts are these:

  • This scarf took 2,251 yards of a cotton laceweight yarn. That’s a lot of yarn.
  • On average, I was working on this scarf for 3 hours a day for 60+ days. I was able to work a bit on other projects here and there, but for the majority of two months, this was the only thing I knit. I am not usually that monogamous with my crafting. It was kind of painful.
  • Given that information, I’m sure you can guess that whatever you might be willing to offer for payment would likely not come close to the amount that would be considered fair in the real world. Even without knitting the scarf under a deadline.

So why did I knit this scarf in the first place, you might be asking. One, I’ve been obsessed with this scarf pattern since I first saw The Avengers and I wanted to attempt recreating it anyway; two, I’ve known Jessi in an internet capacity for years, and I know that she’s incredibly dedicated to costuming and would appreciate the work that went into this project and will care for it and enjoy it for years to come; three, it was fun to challenge myself, but I’m not one of those people who challenges herself by doing the same thing over and over and over again.

I’m working on providing the chart that I made up for this pattern, and will include complete notes for this project in the finished post, so if you really really really have to have one, you could learn to knit and make one yourself or fall upon a friend who knits and ask for their help.

*Those few of you who are exceptions are knitters yourselves and therefore able to knit your own scarf, so there’s really no point in saying there’s an exception. Unless you’re Tom Hiddleston, or as Jessi points out, Joss Whedon. I’d knit them Loki scarves. Except Tom probably already has one and Joss could buy one. So again… no exceptions.

23 thoughts on “No, I will not knit you a Loki scarf

  1. I’m a knitter, and I’ve been watching your progress with awe and wonder. I might never be able to knit one (I am worse than useless at fair isle), but I would totally buy a pattern. You know, just in case I could pull myself away from lace knitting πŸ˜‰

    • Lace knitting is pretty rad! Two of in-progress projects are lace. πŸ˜€ I do plan on posting the chart and my notes for free—maybe one day I’ll even be so inspired as to put it all together into a PDF!

    • Strangely enough, I do still have a lot of that yarn left! I could probably knit another three Loki scarves if I really really really hated myself and wanted to die.

  2. The answer should be no. Sounds reasonable to me. Non-knitters do not understand 2000 plus yards of laceweight. Anyhoo….I do not believe I have seen a more fantastic scarf…ever! Wow!

    • No they do not. And in general, I’m more than happy to knit for my friends. But I wanted to head off any other strangers from asking. And thank you!!

  3. I can’t wait for the pattern. That’s gorgeous. I noticed that scarf right away in the movie too. Why did you go with cotton instead of wool?

    • My friend has a wool sensitivity was the biggest reason for cotton over wool. Also, she lives in the south and wanted to be able to wear it more frequently than she thought she could with a wool version. My version, whenever I get around to making it, is probably going to be in something like Cascade 220 Sport, and double-knit, and all around much easier. πŸ˜€

  4. Stunning.
    Maybe with the leftovers, you could make yourself a sweater in the same stitch patten. Just for the torture of it. πŸ™‚

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