A status report

I’ve finished a few projects and started a couple of others, so I figured I’d share.

Lorna's Laces

I gave into my impulse and bought some of the Limited Edition Lorna’s Laces colorway from Jimmy Beans Wool. The color for April was Robin’s Nest, and it was just so pretty.

Almost a pair

My Hedera socks went very quickly once I got the hang of the pattern. I knit most of the second sock over a weekend and then just had to finish the foot and graft the toe.


The finished pair! These were knit for someone else and therefore were too short to model on my feet, so they just get to lay on my computer for their photo.

Slip-stitch Scarflet

I’d bought this handspun yarn from Gherkin’s Bucket a little while ago. It was a bulky weight, without a lot of yardage, so I just knit it up into a little slip-stitch scarflet.

Slip-stitch Scarflet

I loved the way the colors worked together and blended in the scarflet. And I’m happy with my choice of a simple slip-stitch, which really allowed the yarn to shine while adding some texture.

Alice Cullen socks

And here’s the cuff of the second of my Fluke socks. I’d be working on these more, except that I’ve got to knit up a shawl for a friend’s wedding and that’s the priority.

3 thoughts on “A status report

  1. Gorgeous photos, as always! All of the colors are so lovely. Those socks! Those socks make me want to knit socks. (I keep wanting to knit socks, but I just never seem to be able to follow through. I tend to lose interest about halfway through the first one.)

    Is the Lorna’s Laces more sock yarn? It looks like fingering weight…

    (PS: I’m ofparsnip, from LJ. 😀 Hi!)

  2. Pingback: Secret knitting revealed! « Threadpanda

  3. Pingback: FO: Clandestine Socks « Threadpanda

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