Elemental, my dear Watson

About two years ago, I fell in love with Hannah Fettig’s Elemental Boatneck from the Summer 2009 issue of Interweave Knits. And then I found a great deal on the yarn used in the pattern, Elsebeth Lavold’s Hempathy, in a beautiful Royal Blue that is apparently now discontinued so let’s hope I don’t screw this up, eh?

Elemental boatneck ribbing

I swatched (yes, really) for it the moment the yarn arrived, but true to my knitting nature, using the yarn called for on the needles called for yielded too big a gauge. People who consistently knit to a tight gauge, I do not understand how you do it. Even when I try to knit at a tighter gauge, it’s too big. Oh well. So then, I had to order a smaller diameter circular needle that was long enough for a sweater, and in the meantime, I got a new job and moved across the country.

Last week, I complained about feeling like I was only knitting socks. So when the first of this month’s socks flew off the needles, I decided to do the “mature” thing and pick up a project that has essentially been hibernating for almost two years.

I think it’s fairly telling about my current state of mind that I grabbed the rubber chicken and zombie stitch markers for this project.

5 thoughts on “Elemental, my dear Watson

  1. Pingback: Month in Review: April « Threadpanda

  2. Yay Hempathy! Such a pretty blue too. This yarn is like the Cascade 220 of summer knitting to me (yes I know the gauges are nothing alike- its perfect anyway)… Now where did you hide the Maker’s Mark?

    • It’s a metaphor, I understand! I’ve never really knit with Hempathy before, and aside from a slight splityness issue, I’m really digging it and think it will make for a great summer-time sweater.

    • Very quick! Plus, no issues that involved having to rip out the socks, or complicated cable and traveling stitch patterns. 😀

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