Month in Review: May 2012

Okay so I finally caved this month and bought yarn. But not a lot! Just one skein that’s on its way to me as I type this, and I signed up for the Villains club from Schmutzerella Yarns. It’s a wee little club, only three months long and one skein per month and a really reasonable price for lovely, lovely yarns (I have a couple of her Doctor Who–related skeins in my stash), and this way, if I’m having a bad month, I know that I’ll have a little yarn treat coming my way toward the end of the month. I did also buy yarn for another venture, but it does have a purpose and that project will be underway as soon as the yarn arrives, so I’m okay with this.


May was a crap month in many ways. I barely knit anything, only finishing a pair of socks that ended up being too short for me, so they’re going to live with someone else. I began to work on a knitted honey badger toy, had fits and starts with that, and then, after ripping out the underside of the body because my reading comprehension skills are at an all time low, managed to misplace half a honey badger somewhere in my house. That blasted half honey badger also absconded with the needles I need to knit a new honey badger, so I’m kind of irritated with honey badgers in general at the moment. (When reached for comment, the honey badger population stated they didn’t give a shit.)

I’m also wondering why I don’t have more size 3 needles.

I did make some progress on my Folded sweater, as part of the Veera Välimäki KAL, by which I mean I have one and one-quarter sleeves ready to be joined to a body that has not been knit yet. I’m being a bad panda—I started knitting the first sleeve to use as my swatch, and then couldn’t be arsed to wash said swatch, so I just knit the rest of the sleeve. No washing, no blocking, no measuring. It will be on my head when this sweater doesn’t fit, I know.

Dear June: Please do not suck.

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