Parallel Lines and a Contest

My first “real” design (“real” meaning “translated from my brain to the page”) saw it’s debut on Ravelry earlier this week. My Parallel Lines (PDF download; Rav link) scarf has been well-received (at least to my perception, being a first-time, no-name designer). I’m so happy that so many people are at least interested in an idea that started in my head and ended up a real project. This is a big deal to me, and I want to thank you for reading my blog and especially those of you who commented, favorited, or queued the pattern. I especially want to thank my test-knitter gals, Christy and Lois, and my friend Toni for helping me out with the photography. ::squishy hugs all around::

The idea for the pattern was born from a trip up to Rocky Mountain National Park in September, when all the aspens were in their seasonal glory. Shots of gold, amber, and sunshine yellow dotted the mountains that are usually covered in green. I immediately set to work on this scarf when I got home (which would have annoyed my parents who were visiting at the time if they hadn’t had football to distract themselves). The stitch pattern is a variation of one found in an Italian stitch guide–I say “variation” because I’m not sure I’m doing it exactly right, as Italian stitch guides (and apparently patterns themselves) can be a bit iffy. That information comes from one of the Italian knitting groups on Ravelry, it is not my own observation.

Paralle Lines Scarf

The slant to the pattern comes from Left Twisting stitches. If you’ve never worked with twisted stitches, a brief explanation: twisting stitches is very similar to doing an itty, bitty cable pattern, where you’re knitting stitches out of order. A left-twisting stitch has you knitting the second stitch on a needle through the back loop, and then knitting the first stitch on the needle through the back loop. A right-twisting stitch does the same, except you’re knitting through the front of the loops, not the backs. I’m thinking about doing a mini-tutorial about twisting stitches, complete with pictures, so let me know if anyone’s interested in that.

Parallel Lines Scarf

The title “Parallel Lines” was inspired by the Blondie album of the same name. I like to name my projects after musical influences–many of my projects share names with songs that I like at the moment or that seem to fit the project. And this disclosure leads me to some more news: the first ever Threadpanda contest!

Leave a comment to this post, telling me about a favorite album of yours. One from your childhood, one that you’ve listened to over and over to the point of wearing it out, whatever. No comments that only say “Hi.” The contest will be open until Friday, November 13, 2009, at which point I’ll use a magical Random Number Generator to determine a winner.

Can’t have a contest without a prize, right? The winner of the Parallel Lines contest will receive two skeins of Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride Worsted, the same yarn I used to knit the scarf. (It’s aztec turquoise; I have a picture of it but I didn’t get a chance to upload it yet and I’m impatient. I’ll post it later.) Disclosure and disclaimer: Yarn was purchased at a LYS, as I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with Brown Sheep or any of its distributors.

Please please please, let me know what you think about the pattern, if you have any questions, if you want to be entered into the contest, whatever. Knit on!

15 thoughts on “Parallel Lines and a Contest

  1. I fully support a tutorial post! I think I understand the technique from reading the pattern, but I always like to see things ’cause I’m cool like that.

    The first album that I ever wore out was No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdom. Love, love, loved it. I can remember staying up ’til some awful hour to record the video for Sunday Morning off of MTV/VH1. It’s still one of my favorites!

  2. I love the scarf — the stitch pattern is very cool. Isn’t it fun to put a pattern up and see who knits/faves/queues it?

    do not need new yarn, so I’ll pass on the contest — but my fave album? I remember listening over and over again to Grease and Star Wars!

  3. Ah, you had me at “pattern”!

    My favorite album? I feel like that is something that changes every week. But something that I always go to when I’m feeling like I need a good wallow is “Chet Baker Sings.” It’s also lovely for non-wallowy purposes, like dinner parties and bath soaks. It’s sad and romantic and soothing.

  4. Love the scarf!
    I had no idea when I saw it that it was yours.

    As far as albums… wow… I’ve had too many…
    Right off the top of my head I guess I’m going to go with Concrete Blonde’s Bloodletting.

    The only reason I picked that one was because I was thinking about one of the songs the other day. Other than that, I’ve got too many fond albums to try to recount my absolute favorite.

    Love the scarf!

  5. What a beautiful scarf! It looks all warm and snuggly. 😀 I love the texture.

    One of my favorite albums growing up was Eurythmics’ Greatest Hits. (But really, anything Annie Lennox sings is amazing. She could probably sing the phone book, and I’d be going BEST SONG EVER.) 😀

  6. One of my favorites in college (and this dates me) was a Helen Reddy album. I can’t remember the name, but “I Am Woman” was on it. My roommate and I played this all the time, and sang along.
    Thanks for prompting the “memory lane” walk!

  7. This scarf is in my queue, I love it!

    One album I listened to constantly when I was younger was The Neverending Story soundtrack, laying under the covers like Sebastian with my tape player! I still listen to it today and it reminds me of childhood so much. Magical 🙂

  8. I think this pattern is what you’d call an “instant classic”. It will work well with solid or variegated yarns. smooth and sheeny textures right though slightly fuzzy or nubby, and would be as nice for a man as a woman.

    I was a Three Dog Night addict in high school, and Suitable For Framing – I think I wore it out twice.

  9. i agree, this is an ‘instant classic” kind of pattern. i love it and can’t wait to get all twisted up in it. i actually have 2 albums that jumped into my mind when the question was asked…but there must be at least a hundred more. Tea for the Tillerman by Cat Stevens was one and the second was either The Man Who Sold the World or Space Oddity by David Bowie, but i’m leaning towards The Man Who Sold the World as being the first one. i bought them when i was about 10 years old from Alexanders dept store near where i grew up in Queens and had to buy them again a few times by the time i was in high school. one of these days i’ve got to sit down and make a list of all those early wouldn’t have made it thru my teens without them albums.

  10. I love the pattern, already saved in my ravelry queue. I like the fact that I looked at it and skewed my head thinking “How the heck did she do that”? Which tends to mean I need to give it a shot soon.


  11. Yay! Congrats on the pattern being published! And it looks great 🙂

    The first album I wore out, was actually the first tape I bought with my allowance as a kid. Huey Lewis and The News’ “Sports” album. Lol. I was 8 when I bought it and I still remember crying to my dad when it wouldn’t play anymore

  12. One if my fave albums is savage garden’s self titled disk. I wasn’t allowed to listen to anything but classical and liturgical music but i scraped together my pennies and bought it anyway. I still love it even if my tastes have gotten a lit harder nowadays. I know all the lyrics 🙂

  13. I think I already faved and queued the pattern 🙂

    Does age 12 count? In my lifetime, since the age of 12 I’ve worn out at last 6 copies of Journey Captured on cassette. Thank heavens for Compact Discs and digital music, I should never have to buy another copy!

  14. Yes on the tutorial! Even though you already showed me at knit night, I forget by now! It is a very lovely scarf and I was happy to favorite it!

    My first album I ever owned was a Judi Collins tape my mom gave me. I don’t remember what it was, but I remember the “Fisherman’s Song” and I still sing it to my son. I was about 6 or 7 when we started calling it “my” tape instead of hers. 😛
    The album I have listened to the most, though, is Alanis Morrisette’s Jagged Little Pill. It was my first CD, when I was in 6th grade, and I am on my fourth copy, having worn the first three out completely.

  15. I am so behind on my knitting! I would love to try this pattern, as soon as I finish the two scarves I have on my needles now.

    I’m currently wearing out Lady Gaga’s album, as well as two songs leaked from her new album that isn’t out yet. It is up in the 100 range of how many times I have listened to it, and I haven’t owned it all that long.

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