On the needles

Almost three whole weeks into January and I have yet to show you a finished knitted object. That is not to say I haven’t finished anything; I’ve finished two things! But they are gifts for friends (belated birthday gifts, if you must know), and I haven’t seen said friends yet (though I am on my way to them as you read this) and I wanted a little element of surprise (this assumes they don’t stalk my Ravelry projects). So you’ll see those projects soon. But I figured I would show you the other projects I’m working on.

First up is a terribly out of focus picture of a toddler-sized sweater. The light this week has been a) somewhat nonexistent, and b) gone in a flash when it is there, so trying to take photos yesterday morning just sort of failed.


Do not be fooled by my terrible photograph! This is an incredibly cute sweater design, Carol Feller’s Ignus Junior. I had this crazy idea that I could knit this entire sweater before I visited my friends today. I was close. It probably would have helped if I didn’t like sleeping as much as I do. (It’s almost finished, and it will probably be too big for the intended one year old recipient, so I don’t know why I felt the need to finish it quickly, I just did.)

I’m also working on a pair of socks. They’re simple stockinette toe-up socks, and I do have Wendy Johnson’s toe-up gusset and heel flap instructions (that I’m going to modify a bit for placement). They’re not quite as neon as this also blurry photo shows. The yarn is a self-striping colorway from Fresh from the Cauldron, and I specifically procured two skeins so that I can make these go as high as they can. Or as high as they’ll go before I get bored. Now taking bets…


In other news, we have a good group of ladies coming together for the Savory Knitting Knit-a-long! If you’re interested, check out that post for details or join in the conversation on Ravelry.

2 thoughts on “On the needles

    • Me too! I think they’ll be pretty fabulous. I’ve mostly been concentrating on the sweater right now (because it really should stay behind with the individual who will wear it) but then I’ll get down to business with the socks until it’s time to cast on for my Larch. 😀

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