Hobbit-y Friday Finds


Happy New Year to you all! First Friday of the new year calls for something a little extra special, don’t you think?

You probably all realize that I’m a big nerd and that I’m in love with The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, so I dedicated this week’s Friday Finds to Tolkien-inspired patterns. YOU’RE WELCOME.

  • I like to pretend that Antoniya Petkova’s Magnificent Dragon (£4) is Smaug in disguise. Yes I do.

  • You can crochet all of the hobbits (free) thanks to Sammi Resendes’s pattern. I love the little leaf on the cloak!

  • Erica Jackofsky’s put together an entire collection of Tolkien-inspired patterns in her A Hobbit’s Journey eBook ($18). I especially love Ori’s Cowl, Rivendell Shawl (pictured), and the Lord of the Eagles shawl.

  • If you knit Josie Mercier’s Pocketses (CAD$4.50), be sure to not get stuck in any tight spaces that might send the buttons flying.

  • Smaug (free) by Frau Morag are dragon-scaled socks. Perfect for wearing on an adventure.

  • Claire Ellen’s There and Back Again eBook ($14) features three fantastic sock patterns, including the beautiful textured Gollum Socks.

  • Take your devotion to new levels with Diana Stafford’s One Ring Scarf (free). This reversible scarf features a double-knitting chart with the Elvish inscription from the Ring.

  • Andrea Krüß-Anders’s Doors of Durin chart (free) is another double-knitting chart. No, I am totally not planning to work all of these (plus the following chart) together into something.

  • True story: My new cell phone case with the Tree of Gondor should arrive any day now. Less protective but equally awesome is Emma Schurman’s Tree of Gondor chart (free).

The Hobbit photo comes from TGDaily.
All project photos are taken from the individual Ravelry pattern pages unless otherwise noted. No copyright infringement intended.

Friday Finds


Another Friday, another opportunity to win a pattern of your choosing! Happy Hobbit month.

To win:

  • Leave a comment on each week’s Friday Finds letting me know which pattern(s) you especially like that week.
  • Make sure to include some way to contact you in that comment—email address, Ravelry username, Twitter handle, whatever, I just need to be able to let you know you’ve won.
  • Each comment must be received by 9:00 AM MST the following Monday. So for this week’s post, you must comment before 9:00 AM MST on Monday, December 24.
  • Winners will be chosen by random number generator the following Monday. I’ll contact that week’s winner and we’ll work out the details.
  • The prize pattern is not limited to the patterns included in the Friday Finds. Patterns are limited to digital versions, though not only Ravelry-accessible patterns. Any pattern from your personal wishlist (under $7) could be yours.

Fast and furious this week, as I’m busy trying to get my act together before I get on a plane.

Friday Finds


HAPPY HOBBIT DAY! I’m only a little excited to finally see this movie. EEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I may have gone a little crazier than normal this week, and I’ll talk more about that in tomorrow’s Sweaterday post, so for now, let’s just get into this week’s Finds. And don’t forget about the contest!

To win:

  • Leave a comment on each week’s Friday Finds letting me know which pattern(s) you especially like that week.
  • Make sure to include some way to contact you in that comment—email address, Ravelry username, Twitter handle, whatever, I just need to be able to let you know you’ve won.
  • Each comment must be received by 9:00 AM MST the following Monday. So for this week’s post, you must comment before 9:00 AM MST on Monday, December 17.
  • Winners will be chosen by random number generator the following Monday. I’ll contact that week’s winner and we’ll work out the details.
  • The prize pattern is not limited to the patterns included in the Friday Finds. Patterns are limited to digital versions, though not only Ravelry-accessible patterns. Any pattern from your personal wishlist (under $7) could be yours.


So, how about it? Which of these patterns are you digging this week?

  • Aviendha (€3.90) by Melanie Berg is a delightful stripy shawl worked in garter stitch. I love the color combination of the sample!

  • Kamila Janiszewska’s Wintering (free) is a lovely little shawl worked in bulky yarn with a contrasting lace panel at the outer edge.

  • Flou (free) by Airali Handmade is a sweet little crocheted hat, worked in a crocheted rib stitch.

  • Not a pattern, but I want to find something to incorporate motifs from Ruth Klein Cook’s Doctor Who Faux Fair Isle Chart (free). And by “something” I mean EVERYTHING.


  • Linden Down’s Jacqueline ($6.50) is a great swing coat with deep ribbing and double rows of buttons. I especially love the collar shaping!

  • NO, I will probably not let a week go by without including a mitten pattern for the foreseeable future. I LOVE MITTENS. MY LOVE WILL NOT BE DENIED. Especially when folks such as Megan Grewal are making adorable Honey Mittens ($4) with their lovely honeycomb stitch.

  • Janet (free) by Kelly Nicole is a lacy beret worked in two colors and simple openwork stitch.

  • In other nerdy news, I was delighted to see another George R. R. Martin character get some love in Purrlescent’s Melisandre Socks (free). I love the wide traveling stitches pattern!

All photographs are taking from the individual Ravelry pattern pages unless otherwise noted. No copyright infringement intended.

Friday Finds


First Friday Finds of December, which is a pretty awesome month if you ask me. My birthday is later this month, next week The Hobbit comes out, and these are the last few days of another year! (Last few days of all times if you ask the Mayan believers, but we’re not dwelling on that.)

Since it is such an exciting month and it’s my birthday month and I really like the hobbits’ ideas of giving away gifts on your birthday, I’m going to give away a pattern to one lucky winner every week in December!

To win:

  • Leave a comment on each week’s Friday Finds letting me know which pattern(s) you especially like that week.
  • Make sure to include some way to contact you in that comment—email address, Ravelry username, Twitter handle, whatever, I just need to be able to let you know you’ve won.
  • Each comment must be received by 11:59 PM MST the following Sunday. So for this week’s post, you must comment before 11:59 PM MST on Sunday, December 9.
  • Winners will be chosen by random number generator the following Monday. I’ll contact that week’s winner and we’ll work out the details.
  • The prize pattern is not limited to the patterns included in the Friday Finds. Patterns are limited to digital versions, though not only Ravelry-accessible patterns. Any pattern from your personal wishlist (under $7) could be yours.


Let me know if you have any questions or if I need to clarify anything! On with the show!

  • Tanis Lavallée’s Coolbreeze Cardigan (CAD$6) mimics traditional Bohus-style patterns with it’s clever use of chevrons in the yoke. Pick up the matching hat pattern for an additional CAD$3.

  • Game of Thrones fans will enjoy Kate Hiester’s A Crown for Tyrion ($3.50). Deep, textural chevrons make for a stretch beanie.

  • I don’t feature a lot of patterns for children, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love them! Sometimes they just don’t stand out to me as much as patterns I could make for me. But Ravi Junior ($5.95) by Carol Feller is SO SO SO CUTE I had to include it. Squishy garter stitch for squishy babies.

  • Speaking of squishy garter stitch, Enso ($6) by Svetlana Volkova is a seamless garter stitch cardigan with the sleeves (short or long) worked in the contiguous method. I’ve never knit sleeves like that, have you?

  • Hapish (free) by Britt Schmiesing is another garter stitch project. A Hap-style square shawl worked back and forth with simple lace detail makes a great accessory. Especially for those days you don’t want to get out of bed and would rather just snuggle into some wool while sipping coffee. Okay, so that’s every day for me.

  • Sarah H Arnold’s Ardour Mittens ($4) may be the mittens to end all mittens. Stranded colorwork, lining, Latvian braids, OH MY.

  • Mönster (free) by Fröken C is an adorable hat for small children featuring a scalloped edge in two colors. I believe there’s an adult version available as well, and Alexandra Tinsley will soon have another scalloped hat pattern available, so you have choices, people!

All photographs are taking from the individual Ravelry pattern pages unless otherwise noted. No copyright infringement intended.

Friday Finds

Happy Friday! And happy last day of November! This post means I’ve successfully completed another year of NaBloPoMo, with the help of some fantastic people. But there may actually be a few more days of posts in a row, what with Sweaterday tomorrow (finally will show you the finished cardigan body and the beginning of my Roam Tunic), Project 365 on Sunday, and a few more posts in the works that I didn’t quite get to this month for one reason or another.

If you missed any of them, please be sure to read the guest posts from this month. I hope I can intersperse guest posts here from time to time, as there are so many bloggers I enjoy reading and I think you would too. Many, many thanks to Joanna, Teresa, Sarah, Stefanie, Kira, Marsha, and Britt for spending some time here this month!

Also, before this morning, there was a serious, constant disturbance in the knitting force—a complete lack of a Ravelry group for Amy Christoffers Appreciators! (This is so relevant to yesterday’s post.) So I created one! If you, too, love Amy’s patterns, be sure to join in the fun at Savory Knitting Addicts.

Let’s send November out with a bang and some more awesome patterns, shall we?

  • Crosswise (€5) by Sannah König utilizes entrelac and worsted weight yarns with distinctive color runs to create an amazing raglan sleeve sweater.

  • I absolutely love the stitch pattern in Sol Maldonado’s Decorative Geometric Pillow ($6). I imagine this would be a pretty awesome stashbusting project, to boot.

  • Katie (CAD$6) by Karen Borrel is a seemingly simple pullover with a delightful little twist at the bottom hem. Be sure to check out some of the other color combinations on the pattern page!

  • One of Joji Locatelli’s newest cardigans, Even Flow ($6), features Joji’s signature drape and texture combination into a sweet open front cardigan with a woven-style back.

  • Fine Vine ($6) by Marisa Hernandez is a lovely shawl with large lace repeats.

  • The Purl Bee keeps churning out fantastic free patterns and the Fluted Cowl (free) is no exception. I just love the gentle texture and picture myself wearing this in a fluffy bulky weight yarn.

  • Tincanknits has a collection of patterns called Great White North, and there’s a couple of patterns in there that I really love. The first is Snowflake ($6; shown below), a lace yoke pullover for both adults and children. The other is the Bon Bon Toque ($6), also available in a variety of sizes. Grab them each individually or purchase the whole collection for $13.

  • Last for this week but certainly not least, Melissa La Barre’s Twisted Vines Hat ($5) features one of my favorite lace patterns in a hat pattern that slouches comfortably. All of Melissa’s newest patterns are on sale until December 5—see the pattern page for more detail.

All photographs are taking from the individual Ravelry pattern pages unless otherwise noted. No copyright infringement intended.